Monday, January 27, 2014


              On the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of these is tree. I wrote herbaceous plants from 1 week to 9 week, but tree woody plant was not written.
              Woody plant is very deferent from herbaceous plant. It has tough trunk, a lot of blanch, spread its roots and grow up. Its trunk is similar to herbaceous plants when it is young. However it became bigger by it grow up. Almost it becomes to have leaves and buds. Its buds make flowers. It breeds almost by seeds. Its height is so long width. For example, a kind of eucalyptus in Australia is 130m. On the other hand, for instance, cowberry is very small tree. Its height is from 10cm to 40cm.
              The forest has various effects. In the first, it fosters many creatures and there is big good chain. In the second, there are made rich soil from fallen leaves and feces and corpse of creature. And, the roots of trees protect to flow out of this soil. In the third, trees and rich soil work as dam. They store rain water, and flow out water little by little. In the forth, forest absorb CO2 and emit O2 that is photosynthesis. The forest power is very important for the natural environment.
              Recently, deforestation is advanced various places. The forest is crowed many high trees. The half of land is occupied by the forest. So, deforestation is very big problem. First cause of deforestation is commercial logging by advanced nations. The developing nations is logged a lot of forests, and almost these trees use advanced nations. Second cause of deforestation is building up industrial park, farmland and resort.
              Japan is covered in one of the largest scale of forest all over the world. Japanese green space ratio is the second highest of advanced nations. However, Japan import the third most of the wood all over the world. In 1960s, Japan cut and imported this from Philippine. In 1970s, Japan did and did this from Indonesia. Recently, Japan import woods from Russia, Canada, America, Malaysia and China etc. Furthermore, for example, Malaysian forests are constantly decreasing in order to make vegetable oils and fruits which are to import.
              In conclusion, I think plant is very important for our life and animals lives. So, we have to protect plant. This problem is all people all over the world should think. The advanced nations specially must think this, and must make an effort to solve this.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

9.The toxic plants

    On the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is toxic plants. The toxic plant is that it has poison on a part of its body or all of its body. Sometimes it is called a poisonous herb, but contain woody plant is called toxic plants.
              The toxic plant inhabit in various place all over the world. Its poison is a lot of types. When human or animals touch or eat, the strong poisons are cause inflammation, develop symptoms of poisoning, convulsion, vomiting etc. Sometimes they are died by poisons. Also, the weak poisons are cause a little pain, feel hot taste or bitter taste. However, the toxic plants are sometimes valuable. A few of them are eaten. For example, a ginkgo nuts and a potato are toxic plants which are eaten. They are eaten after they are processed. Also, some toxic plants are medicinal plants. However, the medicinal plants become poisons when we use over fixed amounts. The plants that are not eaten and especially they have strong poisons are called toxic plants. So, the toxic plants are not so many species.
              The toxic plants are used various things. They are used killing insects and poisons arrows which use hunting. Also, the famous thing is a mosquito repellent coil.
              The difference of poisonous or nonpoisonous is classified by a kind of animal species. For instance, the Welsh onion and the onion that are eaten frequently by human and are not poisonous for human are poisonous for dogs and cats because they don’t have processing power of the Welsh onion and the onion. So, they may be emerged severe trouble. Contrary to this, except for human usually eat one thing, but this may be poisonous.
              Also, the toxic plants sometimes influence interesting effects for the plants in survival strategy. The danaid butterflies eat toxic plants when they are young and they store its components. So, a kind of animals which eat insects feel distaste. Because of this, when the denaid butterflies are adults, they are not eaten by them. The insects which have these effects are tend to warning coloration because a same kind insects became hard to be eaten.
              The toxic plants are very interesting plants. They have various effects. And, we may be died by their poisons. So, we have to be care for them. However, they are sometimes used good for animals and other plants. I think we should have more knowledge of them.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Amiri Baraka

              He died at 79 in January 9, 2014. He was a black person writer of poetry and so on. He was born at Newark in America in 1934. His works were seen many people all over the world. His first poetry was published in 1961. His famous works are, for example, “blues people” is non-fiction and especially relating to the beginning of the free jazz movement in 1963. His writing style was a little nationalism because he related deeply to human rights campaign that is Malcolm X and so on. For instance, Dutchman and The Slave are characteristic products. Then, his writer name changed from “Leroi Jones” to “Amiri Baraka” when his religion became Islam and he divorced white wife. In 1960s and 1970s, he worked in order to spread black person cultures. But, he admired Marxism in 1980s. So, he separated from his built organization that worked these. After that he had been said to spread the right of black person and supported black was received discrimination. However the class of black person society was separated. So, his works criticized the middle class black person who admired value of white person and his position was difficult. Finally, he had been worked in order to spread the right of black person by written things.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The plants have various properties. I search the plants of a power of photosynthesis. The plants effect the environment so much. So, we protect plants, and advance to increase the number of plants. As a result of this activity, I hope to change good the environment of all over the world.
The photosynthesis is researched very long time. I search the history of them. The history of the photosynthesis research began in a study on nourishment of the plant in 1648. This research is the importance of the water in the growth of the plant. Pliestley found the plants produce oxygen in 1772 and Ingenhousz checked this and found this phenomenon performed only in the green leaf and stem which the sunlight hit in 1779. The importance of CO2 in photosynthesis was revealed by Senebier in 1782 and Saussure in 1804. Saussure attested the plants were formed CO2 and H2O. Chlorophyll is concerned with photosynthesis was recognized in 1837. After this, the research of light had been main point. In 1954, Calvin-Benson cycle was found. Later research have been found that much.
Next, I will explain the basically photosynthesis system. In short, photosynthesis is breath in CO2, and the plants change it to organic matter. In detail, the first, absorb CO2 and a plant change CO2 for organic matter. This reaction happen at stroma in a chloroplast and it is called Calvin-Benson cycle. NADPH and ATP are used in Calvin-Benson cycle. And, photochemical reaction of the light energy supply them to plants. So, this reaction need the light energy. The second, when plants use light energy, they absorb light. The photosynthetic pigments conduct this system. They are chlorophyll, carotenoid and phycobilin and so on. Many molecules of them gather and bind to the protein and these form an antenna which is concentrated on the light. When one of the antenna absorb the light, the pigment have energy. This situation is called excitation condition. The pigment that is in excitation condition hand over next to one. The energy form to circulate through the pigment in the antenna round and round and when energy finally passes to the special photosynthesis pigment that is called the reaction center, an oxidation-reduction reaction is caused. This oxidation-reduction make NADPH. The third, in the fact, electron transport reaction in itself that is written above accept a part in synthesis of ATP. This system is very complicated. So, I can’t understand definitely. These are the basic photosynthesis system.
Finally, the plants effect to environment so much. CO2 must not increase too much. We should protect plants because they have photosynthesis system.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

7.Cleaning Water

The plants are used for various ways. I search the plants of a power of cleaning water. The plants effect the environment so much. So, we should use this power more effectively. This power may use the area of the water is dirty in a developing countries.
Cleaning Water Area
There are many systems of cleaning water. The first, coming suspended solid to place that living plants in water, the plants work as contact substance and stimulate settle down. The second, the existence of plants in water make more microbes and this advance to BOD removal which is the quantity of the plants need for oxidative destruction called for biochemical oxygen demand. If BOD removal point is large, the water is dirty. The third, coming nitrogen to place that living plants in water, the plants decompose ammonia or other nitrogen compound. These mineral salts are absorbed and removed. This reaction is only happened under aerobic condition. The high nitrogen removing function is taken place by the oxygen transport from plant’s roots. The forth, if microbes change organic matter to inorganic substance, the plants absorb inorganic substance. In this way, the phosphorus in the water is removed. The other system is that growth of phytoplankton is lower by existence of plant group, because they cut off sunlight.
The System of Cleaning Water
The merits of cleaning water system by using plants are making possible to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, the growth of phytoplankton is lower by existence of plant group, using for the low density water area is possible, saving energy because using solar energy, not required the high support and control system.
The demerits of cleaning water system by using plants are influenced dealing abilities by weather condition, implying large land, re-elution nitrogen and phosphorus happens when I do not carry out the cutting down of the plant body.
Some plants face to a crisis phase. For example, in near the rice field, there is ordinary living plant in the water. But, nowadays, the herbicide is used various area. So, the plants are killed and getting fewer. And, waterweeds are brought in from overseas and multiply in Japan. As a result, the Japanese waterweeds are selected and decreased.
Finally, I think cleaning water by using plants should more and more develop this system. So, the researchers and companies make the effort to resolve the demerits of this system. I want to build up effective system in the future. I’m looking forward to materialize this targets.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born in Republic of North Africa on 18 July, 1918. In 1944, after he graduated from university, he established young union of African National Congress. And, he married Evelyn Mase, a nurse. They had two sons and two daughters. They divorced in 1958. In 1952, he established a low office with Oliver Tambo. This is the first a low office of a black person in Republic of North Africa. During 1950s and former 1960s, he was often arrested because he did political activities against apartheid.
At the end of 1952 he was banned for the first time. As a restricted person he was only able to secretly watch as the Freedom Charter was adopted at Kliptown on 26 June 1955.
Nelson Mandela was arrested in a countrywide police swoop of 156 activists on 5 December 1955, which led to the 1956 Treason Trial. Men and women of all races found themselves in the dock in the marathon trial that only ended when the last 28 accused, including Mr. Mandela were acquitted on 29 March 1961.
On 21 March 1960 police killed 69 unarmed people in a protest at Sharpeville against the pass laws. This led to the country’s first state of emergency on 31 March and the banning of the ANC and the Pan Africanist Congress on 8 April. Nelson Mandela and his colleagues in the Treason Trial were among the thousands detained during the state of emergency.
During the trial in 1958 Nelson Mandela married a social worker Winnie Madikizela. They had two daughters and divorced in 1996.
On 11 June 1964 Nelson Mandela was convicted and the next day was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was sent to Robben Island.
On 31 March 1982 Nelson Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. Later Nelson Mandela initiated talks about an ultimate meeting between the apartheid government and the ANC.
In 1988 he was treated for Tuberculosis and was transferred on 7 December 1988 to a house near Paarl. He was released from its gates on Sunday 11 February 1990, nine days after the unbanning of the ANC and the PAC and nearly four months after the release of the remaining Rivonia comrades. Throughout his imprisonment he had rejected at least three conditional offers of release.
Nelson Mandela immersed himself into official talks to end white minority rule and in 1991 was elected ANC President to replace his ailing friend Oliver Tambo. In 1993 he and President FW de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize and on 27 April 1994 he voted for the first time in his life.
On 10 May 1994 he was inaugurated South Africa’s first democratically elected President. On his 80th birthday in 1998 he married Graça Machel, his third wife.
True to his promise Nelson Mandela stepped down in 1999 after one term as President.
He died 5 December 2013. Nelson Mandela never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he never answered racism with racism.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

6.Plants medicine

The plants are used for various ways. I search how to use the plants as a resource. For example, they are used for medicine, food, and fuel. I especially search that they used for medicine this post.
The medicine are produced by plants exist about between 50 thousands to 70 thousands. About 21% of them that is 15thousands species are in a crisis phase. A rate of Japanese importation of medicinal use plants is about 88%. This rate is the forth all over the world. The problem is how to resolve that medicinal use plants are in a crisis phase. Nowadays, because the plants medicine is under these environments, a lot of them are cultivated. Wild plants medicine is uneven quality. However, they are good quality. Some of them are dangerous medicine. For example, if we take a lot of morphine, we have terrible side effects. But, if, we take a few them, we are caused good effect.  
The history of medicinal use plants is from 1770s. Before that time, in both the Orient and the Occident, people use plants for medicine. However, the plants of effective ingredients didn’t uniform. The researchers thought if they could take out these ingredients and they used necessary quantity, would take good result for patients. So, they have been researched hard this thing.
The forms of medical plants are various types. The first way is to use plants ordinary state. The second way is using plants which are processed a little. This is called for crude drugs. The third way is to change plants for essence. For example, there is Chinese medicine preparation. The forth way is making medicines by extracting from plants that are active ingredients and isolating from them. The fifth way is making medicines by extracting from plants of active ingredients and changing chemical forms.
Recently, medical plant condition has been changing. A lot of doctors found the problems of Western medicine. So, Oriental medicine is reevaluated. However, we should not think that all of plants medicine are effective for our body, and plants medicine is effective however to use them. The medicine has good and bad points. The plants medicine have possibility of bring our body disadvantages as same as chemical medicine.

            Finally, I think medical plants are used a lot of ways. At first, I imagined Chinese medicine preparation. However, there are various kinds of medical plants. We should take medicine accurately and our body make better. I think “Good medicine tastes bitter” is very good phrases. 