Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The plants have various properties. I search the plants of a power of photosynthesis. The plants effect the environment so much. So, we protect plants, and advance to increase the number of plants. As a result of this activity, I hope to change good the environment of all over the world.
The photosynthesis is researched very long time. I search the history of them. The history of the photosynthesis research began in a study on nourishment of the plant in 1648. This research is the importance of the water in the growth of the plant. Pliestley found the plants produce oxygen in 1772 and Ingenhousz checked this and found this phenomenon performed only in the green leaf and stem which the sunlight hit in 1779. The importance of CO2 in photosynthesis was revealed by Senebier in 1782 and Saussure in 1804. Saussure attested the plants were formed CO2 and H2O. Chlorophyll is concerned with photosynthesis was recognized in 1837. After this, the research of light had been main point. In 1954, Calvin-Benson cycle was found. Later research have been found that much.
Next, I will explain the basically photosynthesis system. In short, photosynthesis is breath in CO2, and the plants change it to organic matter. In detail, the first, absorb CO2 and a plant change CO2 for organic matter. This reaction happen at stroma in a chloroplast and it is called Calvin-Benson cycle. NADPH and ATP are used in Calvin-Benson cycle. And, photochemical reaction of the light energy supply them to plants. So, this reaction need the light energy. The second, when plants use light energy, they absorb light. The photosynthetic pigments conduct this system. They are chlorophyll, carotenoid and phycobilin and so on. Many molecules of them gather and bind to the protein and these form an antenna which is concentrated on the light. When one of the antenna absorb the light, the pigment have energy. This situation is called excitation condition. The pigment that is in excitation condition hand over next to one. The energy form to circulate through the pigment in the antenna round and round and when energy finally passes to the special photosynthesis pigment that is called the reaction center, an oxidation-reduction reaction is caused. This oxidation-reduction make NADPH. The third, in the fact, electron transport reaction in itself that is written above accept a part in synthesis of ATP. This system is very complicated. So, I can’t understand definitely. These are the basic photosynthesis system.
Finally, the plants effect to environment so much. CO2 must not increase too much. We should protect plants because they have photosynthesis system.


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