Wednesday, December 18, 2013

7.Cleaning Water

The plants are used for various ways. I search the plants of a power of cleaning water. The plants effect the environment so much. So, we should use this power more effectively. This power may use the area of the water is dirty in a developing countries.
Cleaning Water Area
There are many systems of cleaning water. The first, coming suspended solid to place that living plants in water, the plants work as contact substance and stimulate settle down. The second, the existence of plants in water make more microbes and this advance to BOD removal which is the quantity of the plants need for oxidative destruction called for biochemical oxygen demand. If BOD removal point is large, the water is dirty. The third, coming nitrogen to place that living plants in water, the plants decompose ammonia or other nitrogen compound. These mineral salts are absorbed and removed. This reaction is only happened under aerobic condition. The high nitrogen removing function is taken place by the oxygen transport from plant’s roots. The forth, if microbes change organic matter to inorganic substance, the plants absorb inorganic substance. In this way, the phosphorus in the water is removed. The other system is that growth of phytoplankton is lower by existence of plant group, because they cut off sunlight.
The System of Cleaning Water
The merits of cleaning water system by using plants are making possible to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, the growth of phytoplankton is lower by existence of plant group, using for the low density water area is possible, saving energy because using solar energy, not required the high support and control system.
The demerits of cleaning water system by using plants are influenced dealing abilities by weather condition, implying large land, re-elution nitrogen and phosphorus happens when I do not carry out the cutting down of the plant body.
Some plants face to a crisis phase. For example, in near the rice field, there is ordinary living plant in the water. But, nowadays, the herbicide is used various area. So, the plants are killed and getting fewer. And, waterweeds are brought in from overseas and multiply in Japan. As a result, the Japanese waterweeds are selected and decreased.
Finally, I think cleaning water by using plants should more and more develop this system. So, the researchers and companies make the effort to resolve the demerits of this system. I want to build up effective system in the future. I’m looking forward to materialize this targets.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born in Republic of North Africa on 18 July, 1918. In 1944, after he graduated from university, he established young union of African National Congress. And, he married Evelyn Mase, a nurse. They had two sons and two daughters. They divorced in 1958. In 1952, he established a low office with Oliver Tambo. This is the first a low office of a black person in Republic of North Africa. During 1950s and former 1960s, he was often arrested because he did political activities against apartheid.
At the end of 1952 he was banned for the first time. As a restricted person he was only able to secretly watch as the Freedom Charter was adopted at Kliptown on 26 June 1955.
Nelson Mandela was arrested in a countrywide police swoop of 156 activists on 5 December 1955, which led to the 1956 Treason Trial. Men and women of all races found themselves in the dock in the marathon trial that only ended when the last 28 accused, including Mr. Mandela were acquitted on 29 March 1961.
On 21 March 1960 police killed 69 unarmed people in a protest at Sharpeville against the pass laws. This led to the country’s first state of emergency on 31 March and the banning of the ANC and the Pan Africanist Congress on 8 April. Nelson Mandela and his colleagues in the Treason Trial were among the thousands detained during the state of emergency.
During the trial in 1958 Nelson Mandela married a social worker Winnie Madikizela. They had two daughters and divorced in 1996.
On 11 June 1964 Nelson Mandela was convicted and the next day was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was sent to Robben Island.
On 31 March 1982 Nelson Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. Later Nelson Mandela initiated talks about an ultimate meeting between the apartheid government and the ANC.
In 1988 he was treated for Tuberculosis and was transferred on 7 December 1988 to a house near Paarl. He was released from its gates on Sunday 11 February 1990, nine days after the unbanning of the ANC and the PAC and nearly four months after the release of the remaining Rivonia comrades. Throughout his imprisonment he had rejected at least three conditional offers of release.
Nelson Mandela immersed himself into official talks to end white minority rule and in 1991 was elected ANC President to replace his ailing friend Oliver Tambo. In 1993 he and President FW de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize and on 27 April 1994 he voted for the first time in his life.
On 10 May 1994 he was inaugurated South Africa’s first democratically elected President. On his 80th birthday in 1998 he married Graça Machel, his third wife.
True to his promise Nelson Mandela stepped down in 1999 after one term as President.
He died 5 December 2013. Nelson Mandela never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he never answered racism with racism.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

6.Plants medicine

The plants are used for various ways. I search how to use the plants as a resource. For example, they are used for medicine, food, and fuel. I especially search that they used for medicine this post.
The medicine are produced by plants exist about between 50 thousands to 70 thousands. About 21% of them that is 15thousands species are in a crisis phase. A rate of Japanese importation of medicinal use plants is about 88%. This rate is the forth all over the world. The problem is how to resolve that medicinal use plants are in a crisis phase. Nowadays, because the plants medicine is under these environments, a lot of them are cultivated. Wild plants medicine is uneven quality. However, they are good quality. Some of them are dangerous medicine. For example, if we take a lot of morphine, we have terrible side effects. But, if, we take a few them, we are caused good effect.  
The history of medicinal use plants is from 1770s. Before that time, in both the Orient and the Occident, people use plants for medicine. However, the plants of effective ingredients didn’t uniform. The researchers thought if they could take out these ingredients and they used necessary quantity, would take good result for patients. So, they have been researched hard this thing.
The forms of medical plants are various types. The first way is to use plants ordinary state. The second way is using plants which are processed a little. This is called for crude drugs. The third way is to change plants for essence. For example, there is Chinese medicine preparation. The forth way is making medicines by extracting from plants that are active ingredients and isolating from them. The fifth way is making medicines by extracting from plants of active ingredients and changing chemical forms.
Recently, medical plant condition has been changing. A lot of doctors found the problems of Western medicine. So, Oriental medicine is reevaluated. However, we should not think that all of plants medicine are effective for our body, and plants medicine is effective however to use them. The medicine has good and bad points. The plants medicine have possibility of bring our body disadvantages as same as chemical medicine.

            Finally, I think medical plants are used a lot of ways. At first, I imagined Chinese medicine preparation. However, there are various kinds of medical plants. We should take medicine accurately and our body make better. I think “Good medicine tastes bitter” is very good phrases. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


              The plants are used for various ways. I search how to use the plants as a resource. For example, they are used for medicine, food, and fuel. I am especially interested in fuel, so I searched fuel as the main point.
the cycle of bio fuels 
              The fuels that are called “bio fuels” are produced by plants. The materials of them are, for instance, corn, bamboo, sugarcane and so on. The bio fuels are divided into two types. First type is called bio ethanol. This is mixed in gasoline, and used in various places today. Second type is bio diesel fuels. This is used almost only them and utilized in a city bus etc now.
The merits of “bio fuels” are it thought that it is not increase CO2 to burn them because their materials are plants, so they can do photosynthesis which they absorb CO2 in atmosphere and emit O2 to atmosphere. Frankly speaking, “bio fuels” are recyclable energy. The reason of above, a lot of nations are researching bio fuels and going ahead to introduce using them.
The demerits of “bio fuels” are that when we make them we have to use so many plants that parts are food. For example, the corn is eaten by pig and human beings and so on. So, the price of that part of foods will rise. Especially, in Japan, that is very big problem because grain is a little to provide ourselves. As a result, in the latter of 2007, Japanese economy was influenced by increasing import grain’s price. So, to use grain, when we make foods, became a little hard. We should not use the grain that can eat, and we should use the grain that cannot eat. Also “bio fuels” cost more money than gasoline now. So, researchers have to study cost cut ways.
There is worrying point. I explained the merits of the cycle of CO2 and O2. Some researcher said that this is uncertain.
Recently, the waterweed is much remarkable resource of “bio fuels”. This way cost less money than ordinary ways. It needs to make a lot of waterweed under bad environment that there are other bacteria. This is main problem. Now, venture business succeeded in stable to make the waterweed. So, we expect that this will lead mass produce the waterweed.
making waterweed
Finally, I think “bio fuels” need to our future because it is said that oils will dry up in the future. I expect to researchers will find out and make very good ways.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Biogeography is to research various plant of geographical distribution in all over the world. It is divided into about three parts. The first part is eco geography. It is mainly taking up distribution of plants, relation to climates, classified by environment and so on. The second part is ecozone of plants. It is to research biogeographical region of plants about have been formed. The third part is historical biogeography. It is to research about what kind of influence is from an ecological condition to the distribution of plants nowadays. So, researchers studying about this need knowledge about history, biology and geography. Recently, histrorical biology is most mainly researched about biogeography research.
I’ll explain about biogeography of the world. Biogeographical regions are the divisions of the world according to the characteristic flora. The distribution of plants depends on two main factors that are ecological and geographical. The former is their adaptability to the environment and the latter is the geographical barriers limiting their distribution. However, when handling larger classification units, distribution areas common to all species belonging to the unit are recognized and division into regions becomes possible.
Floristic Region
In Japan, nowadays, flora is constituted by about 5500 species. Furthermore, there are about 250 thousands species all over the world. Japanese floras have a rich variety than nearly latitude area of the world. Past climate change effect to changing the areas of flora all over the world. Consequently, they come down the present condition.
Important Plants Community

Both the natural and cultural scenery of Japan are very variable and the two harmonize beautifully. Important scenic areas have been designated as national and quasi-national parks, and their conservation and utilization have been promoted. There are also other legal institutions to conserve nature such as natural monuments and reserve forests which also have long histories. However, as a result of the increased economic activities of recent years, disorderly and unprincipled alteration of the natural environment has occurred. For the purpose of systematic conservation and preservation of the natural environment, and endeavors to carry out nature conservation were reinforced.
Nature Conservation Areas
Finally, I think studying biogeography need a lot of knowledge about climate, history, and plant. The Japanese Archipelago is long in vertical, so floras are a lot of varieties. A lot of Plants are living as the product that is the interaction of history between a living thing and environment. Researchers should continuously study because biogeography will be changed constantly to the future.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

3.Carnivorous plants

    On the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is carnivorous plants. They are basically living almost all over the world. However, they are very valuable plants. So, we usually find them at a botanical garden. In Japan, about 20 species are naturally living now. In the world, about 560 species are living now. Their feature is to catch an insect and small animal by leaves, therefore to absorb its nutrition. Their living places are basically a lack of nutrition in soils. So, their function helps them to make up for the lack of nutrition. They are the same as ordinary plants to produce nutrition by the sunlight. But they can’t live with such a little nutrition.

drosera indicas
In Tsukuba, a lot of drosera indicas, that is carnivorous plants, were living in 1997. But there were filled in. So, once there were none of them and some places built houses. However, there are some places of building nothing, and they came up surface a few years later. And drosera indicas are ordinary bloom pink flower, but in Tsukuba, they bloom white flower. I would like to see them.

the community of carnivorous in Naruto 
     In Naruto, there is the place of the natural treasure of a country. There are ways that is in order to see carnivorous plants. And, there is janitor to explain them to visitor from spring to autumn.   The ways of searching carnivorous plants are, first, to search a rice field that is not paved a water course. There is what is called a villager rice field. The reason of these is that weeds are moderately mowed, so there are not usually bigger plants. However, in winter, a rice field is usually left fallow, and there are a lot of bigger weeds. So, the carnivorous plants cannot live. Second, to search a pine forest is that is mainly a Japanese red pine. The spring water from the inside or foot of pine forest is suitable water for carnivorous plants. Third, to search the plants is that live in similar to carnivorous plant’s inhabitant environments. Also, when we search carnivorous plants, most of them are very small body. So we should bring a face close to the ground and should look for them concentration. The good season of searching them is from July to September because the flowers bloom, is it becomes easy.
In this post, I write about carnivorous plants. They are strange and interesting plants. I want them, but I imagine that they are a little bad looks. So, I want them that bloom beautiful flower and looks. However I think these things will expensive. Thank you for next post.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2.Sea shore plants

In the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is sea shore plants. Sea shore plants are basically living on sea shore or shallow marine. There are very severe places, because they are affected by a splash of seawater, a sea breeze, strong ultraviolet rays, soils that are a sandy beach and a rocky stretch. They adapt these places and evolved. The point of adapting to severe environment is similar to mountain’s plants expressed in the last post. Also, they bloom beautiful flower too. Now, alpine floras are going on ahead with protection, however, sea shore plants are few under the protection. They are steadily declining as that reason and more violent erosion by a rise in ocean level by global warming. Their features are leaves thicker than inland plants, covered by hair, bloom big flower for their height and so on.
I’ll explain them using two plants. For example, a crinum (Crinum asiaticum) and a plant called “hamabo” (Hibiscus hamabo) are kinds of sea shore plants. Their way of seeds spraying is basically same as inland plants. However, only one point is different from them. It is using an ocean current to spray seeds. Seawater is generally harmful, but they use an ocean current. A crinum grows on grit sea shore, and bloom white flower in early summer. It is known since the old days, and appeared in various Japanese classical literatures. A kind of them is distributed in mainly Southeast Asia, in the west, India, in the east, Hawaii, in the south, Australian eastern coast, in the north, Boso peninsula. Also, they have some variety. Hamabo grows to a salt marsh in near a mouth of a river and an inner bay, and blooms light yellow flower in July. Its view is similar to a mangrove. It is distributed in from Amami Oshima to Miura peninsula, and South Korean Cheju Island.
              a crinum
                                                               a hamabo
The reason of declining sea shore plants is shore protection works, reclamation, beach erosion and so on. So, natural sea shores are decreasing. Also, they are dug because they bloom beautiful flower.
The proposal of protection of sea shore plants is specified as the special protection area of a national park and a quasi-national park under severe regulation. But, now, the place which has been the target of protection is rare.
Finally, Japan is surrounded the sea, and the sea shore plants were familiar and common. However, there is also an area which has disappeared now and it is precious. I would like to retain this nature forever.

Monday, October 7, 2013

1.Mountain floras

In the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is mountain plants. Mountain’s plants are originally living in an alpine belt. They are generally called alpine floras. I explore their living environments. There is low nutrition in the soil, fundamentally blowing very hard wind, and a low temperature. So, they are living in severe environment. Therefore, we can say it is precious plants. However, they are sacrifice of adaptability to changing environments. The reason is that they must completely adapt to severe environment. So, their power is used to do that. As a result, they are weak to changing environment. Other features are that there are a number of peculiar species and it is said they generally bloom beautiful flowers.
Nowadays, they are falling into a crisis phase. The sources of the trouble are mainly changing environment and artificial effects. The changing environments are rising an average temperature and the amount of precipitation and so on. Also, the artificial effects are that people trample plants growing on mountain trail. As a result, these plants are dead. However, it is said most of that reason is that bad persons take them illegally, because they are economical resources. So, bad persons are skillful to do that. How to do that is generally thought three ways. First, in the spring, they dig around the roots of precious plants, and in the autumn, take illegally them. Second, the group of alpine floras join mats together. Third, about rare species, bad persons investigate into the slope of a mountain in all directions at intervals of 10cm "for it to be one by one", and they extract them. For the reasons mentioned above, their trick is more and more ingeniously.
What do we do to protect alpine floras? First, about changing environment, we have to discovery that the natural variation is how influence to vegetation in long term investigation. Second, about preparation of mountain trails, we should arrange the existing them because mountain climbers will walk on them, and make a fence around trails in the place which has an especially important alpine floras. Finally, the measures for taking mountain floras illegally are protecting them, controlling a market of them, and strengthening the penal regulation.
As a result, alpine floras are in a crisis phase. So, we must do above mentioned protection measures. I think the earth change more and more beautiful. In the next post, I’ll write about sea plants, Please be pleasure it! Thank you!  

Thursday, June 13, 2013

All about Satoshi Kochi

   Hello everyone. My name is Satoshi Kochi and I am from Japan in Chiba. My home town is Yotsukaido city and I was born in 1995. So, I am 18. I am afraid I am rather introversive. I am studying in College of Policy and Planning Sciences in the University of Tsukuba. I enjoy to study city planning and management engineering. I would like to study so hard for 4 or 6 years. And I want to enjoy my life. I have one junior brother by 2 years old. He likes climbing mountain. So, he belongs to Alpine club in Narita high school. His school is located nearly the temple of Naritasanshinsyoji. It is so famous in Japan. For example, in New Year’s Day, there is a lot of people. And, sumo wrestlers come in a bean-scattering ceremony. Yotsukaido city is next to Chiba city. I often go back my house. I love Yotsukaido city. But there is few amusement facilities. There is many gas lamps. The number of them is 228, it is the most many in Japan. And that load is 2238m, it is the longest in the world. My high school is placed in Chiba city. It is very old, it is 135 years from open the school. But, its located place is moved in 1899. It have so long history. I had a great time in this high school and I am proud of graduated from this high school. Then, I was belong to track&field club in 3 years. Practicing is so hard. Through practice, my running speed was much increased. But, now, my running speed is decreased than last year. However, I am enjoy to run now, I belong to track&field association club. I would like to become running faster. But, I am not like hard practice. That is way I want to run comfortably.
    My favorite singer is Nana Mizuki. She is a voice artist and a singer.  Her song makes me comfortable. Last year, I went to her concert in three places, Akita, Aomori, and Chiba. She makes me my summer memory. This year, I will go to her concert at Seibu Dome in first day. I would like to go to other places, but I could not get a ticket in Nagoya. And, I thought I will more busy in beginning of August, I didn’t get a concert ticket at Seibu Dome in second day. I am looking forward to going her concert. Her direction is impressed with me. For example, she flow in Tokyo Dome by a balloon in 2 years ago. And I saw a planetarium in that day. I might be moved in tears.
    Also, my favorite food is salted Japanese apricot. It is a sour taste. But, its taste attract so many people, for example me. It have so long history. It was originated in China in Ancient times. Then, it used in a herbal medicine. Also, it have high conservative power, and it used on rice in bento. Thank you.