Tuesday, October 29, 2013

3.Carnivorous plants

    On the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is carnivorous plants. They are basically living almost all over the world. However, they are very valuable plants. So, we usually find them at a botanical garden. In Japan, about 20 species are naturally living now. In the world, about 560 species are living now. Their feature is to catch an insect and small animal by leaves, therefore to absorb its nutrition. Their living places are basically a lack of nutrition in soils. So, their function helps them to make up for the lack of nutrition. They are the same as ordinary plants to produce nutrition by the sunlight. But they can’t live with such a little nutrition.

drosera indicas
In Tsukuba, a lot of drosera indicas, that is carnivorous plants, were living in 1997. But there were filled in. So, once there were none of them and some places built houses. However, there are some places of building nothing, and they came up surface a few years later. And drosera indicas are ordinary bloom pink flower, but in Tsukuba, they bloom white flower. I would like to see them.

the community of carnivorous in Naruto 
     In Naruto, there is the place of the natural treasure of a country. There are ways that is in order to see carnivorous plants. And, there is janitor to explain them to visitor from spring to autumn.   The ways of searching carnivorous plants are, first, to search a rice field that is not paved a water course. There is what is called a villager rice field. The reason of these is that weeds are moderately mowed, so there are not usually bigger plants. However, in winter, a rice field is usually left fallow, and there are a lot of bigger weeds. So, the carnivorous plants cannot live. Second, to search a pine forest is that is mainly a Japanese red pine. The spring water from the inside or foot of pine forest is suitable water for carnivorous plants. Third, to search the plants is that live in similar to carnivorous plant’s inhabitant environments. Also, when we search carnivorous plants, most of them are very small body. So we should bring a face close to the ground and should look for them concentration. The good season of searching them is from July to September because the flowers bloom, is it becomes easy.
In this post, I write about carnivorous plants. They are strange and interesting plants. I want them, but I imagine that they are a little bad looks. So, I want them that bloom beautiful flower and looks. However I think these things will expensive. Thank you for next post.  


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2.Sea shore plants

In the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is sea shore plants. Sea shore plants are basically living on sea shore or shallow marine. There are very severe places, because they are affected by a splash of seawater, a sea breeze, strong ultraviolet rays, soils that are a sandy beach and a rocky stretch. They adapt these places and evolved. The point of adapting to severe environment is similar to mountain’s plants expressed in the last post. Also, they bloom beautiful flower too. Now, alpine floras are going on ahead with protection, however, sea shore plants are few under the protection. They are steadily declining as that reason and more violent erosion by a rise in ocean level by global warming. Their features are leaves thicker than inland plants, covered by hair, bloom big flower for their height and so on.
I’ll explain them using two plants. For example, a crinum (Crinum asiaticum) and a plant called “hamabo” (Hibiscus hamabo) are kinds of sea shore plants. Their way of seeds spraying is basically same as inland plants. However, only one point is different from them. It is using an ocean current to spray seeds. Seawater is generally harmful, but they use an ocean current. A crinum grows on grit sea shore, and bloom white flower in early summer. It is known since the old days, and appeared in various Japanese classical literatures. A kind of them is distributed in mainly Southeast Asia, in the west, India, in the east, Hawaii, in the south, Australian eastern coast, in the north, Boso peninsula. Also, they have some variety. Hamabo grows to a salt marsh in near a mouth of a river and an inner bay, and blooms light yellow flower in July. Its view is similar to a mangrove. It is distributed in from Amami Oshima to Miura peninsula, and South Korean Cheju Island.
              a crinum
                                                               a hamabo
The reason of declining sea shore plants is shore protection works, reclamation, beach erosion and so on. So, natural sea shores are decreasing. Also, they are dug because they bloom beautiful flower.
The proposal of protection of sea shore plants is specified as the special protection area of a national park and a quasi-national park under severe regulation. But, now, the place which has been the target of protection is rare.
Finally, Japan is surrounded the sea, and the sea shore plants were familiar and common. However, there is also an area which has disappeared now and it is precious. I would like to retain this nature forever.

Monday, October 7, 2013

1.Mountain floras

In the earth, we can see various plants, and one type of those plants is mountain plants. Mountain’s plants are originally living in an alpine belt. They are generally called alpine floras. I explore their living environments. There is low nutrition in the soil, fundamentally blowing very hard wind, and a low temperature. So, they are living in severe environment. Therefore, we can say it is precious plants. However, they are sacrifice of adaptability to changing environments. The reason is that they must completely adapt to severe environment. So, their power is used to do that. As a result, they are weak to changing environment. Other features are that there are a number of peculiar species and it is said they generally bloom beautiful flowers.
Nowadays, they are falling into a crisis phase. The sources of the trouble are mainly changing environment and artificial effects. The changing environments are rising an average temperature and the amount of precipitation and so on. Also, the artificial effects are that people trample plants growing on mountain trail. As a result, these plants are dead. However, it is said most of that reason is that bad persons take them illegally, because they are economical resources. So, bad persons are skillful to do that. How to do that is generally thought three ways. First, in the spring, they dig around the roots of precious plants, and in the autumn, take illegally them. Second, the group of alpine floras join mats together. Third, about rare species, bad persons investigate into the slope of a mountain in all directions at intervals of 10cm "for it to be one by one", and they extract them. For the reasons mentioned above, their trick is more and more ingeniously.
What do we do to protect alpine floras? First, about changing environment, we have to discovery that the natural variation is how influence to vegetation in long term investigation. Second, about preparation of mountain trails, we should arrange the existing them because mountain climbers will walk on them, and make a fence around trails in the place which has an especially important alpine floras. Finally, the measures for taking mountain floras illegally are protecting them, controlling a market of them, and strengthening the penal regulation.
As a result, alpine floras are in a crisis phase. So, we must do above mentioned protection measures. I think the earth change more and more beautiful. In the next post, I’ll write about sea plants, Please be pleasure it! Thank you!